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Chapter 3917 From Saint To Slut In Seven Days:>Ep18

  • "No, I just always called him uncle because he is family to us and vice versa. At Dad's funeral, he came up to me and said that he hoped I was going to keep this business going. I promised him I wasn't going anywhere by choice. So, I guess I have no choice but to make this thing work, not that it's particularly hard now. I have the clientele, I just have to do the work well and they keep coming back."
  • He looked at me quite seriously then.
  • "I have you to thank for a lot of that. I know how much work you do and I'm aware of what it means to the business. I know you've been here for a lot of years now and I hope you don't plan on going anywhere. You are great for this place and... well, I like having you here."
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